KS Permaglide is the name of the division of the RHEINMETALL group of companies that manufactures bushings for various industries and applications. Permaglide bushings are distinguished by their “low wear” feature. These bushings and similar bearings are produced to require low or zero maintenance thanks to their special oils and greases. These bearings can be supplied as bushings, spring washers or special designs.
The cooperation between Akar Rulman and Permaglide has provided solutions for the projects of many domestic and international companies, from aviation to motor sports.
The PAP series, which is the most widely supplied series by Akar Rulman under the Pemaglide brand, is offered under two material groups:
Material group P1 is used for maintenance-free “dry” applications.
The P2 Material group is used for low-maintenance oil/greased applications.
There are some advantages provided by both material groups offered in the Permaglide brand. These include easy assembly, compact design, low friction values and high chemical resistance.
You can access all catalogs of our products, brands and bearing solutions on our catalog section.